President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear All faculties, employees, students, and visitors: Welcome to the University of Raparin. Here, you can find necessary information about our university, our courses, our academics, and the scientific and cultural activities of our faculties. The University of Raparin was founded in 2010as a regional university providing educational excellence in the Raparin District and surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide a resource for people in this region to be able to join the development of scientific and technological knowledge, allowing them to compete effectively in the job market. For our students, we strive to provide an optimal educational environment where you may succeed. Still, we also ask for your utmost attention to your studies and your scientific development so that you can contribute to the development and enlightenment of our country, province and district. We also have many programs to support the development of our teaching and administrative staff to improve overall teaching quality and academic research, which will benefit students directly and promote the standing of the university. Finally, we seek to open channels of communication, both within Iraq and the Kurdistan region and abroad, with other institutions of Higher Education to give our students and staff access to opportunities available in the global educational community.

Dr. Paiman R. Ahmad

President of the University of Raparin